
育儿 2020-01-08 10:35 阅读:68















●Do you like to appreciate artwork?

●What is your favorite artwork?

●Do you think you can make any artwork by yourself?


●Do you like eating cakes?

●What kind of cakes is your favorite? Why?

●Have you ever tried to make any cake by yourself?

Pen or pencil

●Do you like to use pen or pencil?

●When was your last time to buy a pen/ pencil?

●If a person give you a pen or pencil as a gift, will you accept it? Why?

●When was the last time you bought a pen or a pencil?

●Would you like to give pencils or pens as gifts?


●Does your family has many generations?

●How many generations in your family?

●Do you like to stay in a big family with many generations?

●Do you want to have younger generation? Why?


●Have you ever visited a history museum?

●When did you last read a history book?

●Do you like learning history? Why/Why not?

●Do you think the Internet is a good place to learn about history?

●When did you last read a history book?

●When did you begin to read history books?


●What do you do when you have holidays?

●Do you want to have more holidays during a year?

●Which holiday do you like most? Why?


●Are you easily interrupted?

●What kind of things can disturb you ?

●How do you avoid the interruption?

●What you can do when you are disturbed?

Live in a countryside

●Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?

●What do people living in the countryside like to do?

●What are the benefits of living in rural areas?

●Whats the difference between living in the city and living in the countryside?

Magazines or books

●Do you like reading magazines or books? Why?

●What kind of magazines do you like to read? Why?

●Do you think magazines will be replaced by other kinds of media such as apps? Why?

●Do you like reading paper magazines or online magazines? Why?


●Do you like to watch films?

●What kinds of movies do you like best?

●What was the first film that you watched?

●How often do you watch a film?

●Do you prefer to watch films at home or in a cinema?


●Do you like visiting museums and art galleries? Why/Why not?

●What can you learn from visiting museums or art galleries?

●Are there many museums in your hometown?

●Did you go to any museums when you were a child?

●Do you think museums are important?


●Can you remember peoples mobile phone number?

●What is your lucky number?

●Do you think you can remember number easily ? why?

Park/ infrastructure

●Are there many parks or public gardens around where you live (or, in your hometown)

●Do you like to go to park? Why?

●How often do you go there?

●What do you (like to) do when you go to a park or public garden?

●Do you think parks and public gardens are important to a city?

●How to protect the facilities in the park?

●What are the functions of parks/gardens?

Views near you

●What is the best view near your place?

●Do you like natural views? Why?

●What kind of views do you like?

Water sport

●Do you think water sports are very famous and popular in China?

●What kind of water sports do you want to try?

●Do Chinese people like water sport?


●Did you learn any science subjects in primary school?

●Do you think its important to learn science subjects?


●Do you like running? Why?

●Where do you like to go for running? Why?

●Do you think running is healthy?

Stay alone

●What do you like to do when you are alone?

●Do you wish to have more time alone?

●Is it important to have some time alone?


●Do you like laughing?

●Are you the kind of person who makes people laugh?

●Do you like watching movies (or TV programs) that make people laugh?

●When was the last time you laughed?


●Do you prefer to take a long break or several short breaks?

●Have you ever been too busy to have abreak?

●What do you do during a break?

●Is taking a break important to you?

●An exciting

●An interesting animal

●A job you dont want to do

●An ideal apartment

●A family member you spend time with

●Something difficult to use

●A successful small business

●A favourite performance



Do you like to go to the park? Why/Why not?


I like to go to the park because it isgoodto observe thebeautifulthings like flowers, trees and plants. It is alsohelpfulfor us toplay sportsor run in a park.


●good = fascinating, appealing, terrific, fantastic…

●beautiful = gorgeous, splendid, charming, appealing…

●helpful = beneficial, constructive, wholesome…

●play sports = exercise, entertain, physical training, workout



national park, forest park, natural reserve, preservation, amusement park, theme park, royal garden…


grassland,meadow,artificial,landscape, pavilion, statue, bushes, pond, wildlife, plantation…


aerobics, jogging, cycling, marathon, roller-skating, soccer, picnic, sightseeing, barbecue, hide-and-seek…


I enjoy going to the park so much and I will definitely go there as my routine, because it isfascinatingto observe thegorgeousscenery in the park, including flowers, trees and all sorts of wildlife.Furthermore, it isbeneficialto dophysical trainingssuch as jogging and cycling in the park, which can significantly boost the cardiovascular system.

如果说丰富优美的细节是高分回答的皮肉,那么清晰有条理的逻辑就是高分回答的筋骨。一般而言,王牌逻辑有并列法、面点法、举例法、正反法、分说法…以1月变题季考试重新回归的话题Learning history为例,我们来看看举例法。

Have you ever visited a history museum?

I have always thought of visiting a museum as a dullthing, but after I happened to visit the National History Museum, I change my opinion.

It is one of the largest museums in my country and contains a diversity of historical relicsthroughout Chinese history, and some cutting-edge technologyhas been applied to make the exhibition more vivid.(For instance, there is a famous painting on display using various interactive techniques, so that we can learn more about the historical facts and values of such a precious work.)

如果没有括号中的举例部分,整个回答就会戛然而止。而“a famous painting on display using various interactive techniques”就让前面的回答更加丰满,更有说服力。



口语考试中,很多同学经常用些(自以为)很高级,很难的词对回答进行过度包装,这些为了考试而准备过的答案听起来很“高大上”而事实上不仅失去了沟通本身的自然感,还可能 用得并不精准、恰当


同时,这些高级词是临时性背出来的, 考试的时候根本无法应用自如,卡壳的状况时有发生,徒增尴尬和焦虑。


所以对于某个口语题目,同学们应该做的是 遵循一个答题逻辑,按照不同的语句和方法反反复复打磨,等到能够说出意思接近,但句型或时态、语态、语气等到完全不同的答案时,就可以对答案进行适当的升级处理。


