
百科 2023-09-08 01:33 阅读:13

最近,小伙伴们对世界上最悠远的间隔不是生与死 世界上最悠远的间隔不是生与死方面的常识比较感兴趣,今日小编细语凝香 来共享这方面常识,让我们一同看看吧!



“世界上最悠远的间隔不是生与死,而是我在你面前,你却在垂头玩手机”。这个网络上盛行的说法正是很多人实在日子的描写。一项网络查询显现,许多中国人自清晨至深夜一天都有手机相伴,“手机依赖症”已经成为社会“盛行病”。 1.       描绘这一现象; 2.       剖析其原因及坏处 3.       你以为该怎么改动这种现状。 留意:1. 词数100左右;       2. 能够恰当添加细节,以使行文连接。


    As is often the case, when people are attending meetings, having meals or waiting for buses, you can always find them addicted to their phones, completely ignoring others.
    This is really a common phenomenon in our life. The reason is that smart phones nowadays enable people to play mobile games and keep in touch with friends through QQ and Wechat. However, too much exposure to phones is bad for people in terms of health. Moreover, people addicted to their phones fail to communicate well with those around them in the real world.
    As far as I am concerned, people should wisely make use of their phones to help with their work and study. Meanwhile care more about their family and friends rather than mobile phones.


应包括以下几点:1.描绘这一现象;2.剖析其原因及坏处;3.你以为该怎么改动这种现状。一起应选用适宜的连接词和过渡词,如:As is often the case,Moreover,  As far as I am concerned,Meanwhile等,使文章具有必定的连接性;还应运用一些固定句型,如:The reason is that...,... is bad for...等使文章表达更有逻辑性和条理性。
